الاسم بالكامل
عنوان وظيفي
Operations Aviation & Network Lead
المتحدث الحيوي
As the proud father of two wonderful daughters who are both pursuing careers in the pure sciences, I have always been very clear about the richness of diversity in my teams and the absence of professional boundaries based on gender. These values have always been in our conversations so that they can build their future.

I am an Industrial Engineer and I have developed my professional career mainly at Exolum. It is also where I have had the greatest influence on the promotion of members of my team or of the organisation. In my different stages I have helped by supporting diversity in my team, but also by accompanying and helping to overcome the doubts of some of the professionals who have faced the challenge of a promotion in such complex stages as motherhood.

I also led this strategy during my time as HR Director, giving it visibility and setting objectives. From promoting our commitment to adherence to the "Diversity Charter", participation in forums on success stories in gender diversity, to the establishment of objectives and internal incorporation policies to favour the increase of diversity. We also focus these policies outside Exolum, carrying out awareness campaigns in training schools to attract female talent to an industrial sector such as ours.

One of the decisions I was most satisfied with during this period was to join the promociona project from the very first edition. It allowed us to train and give visibility to the female managers we had within the organisation, to increase their network of contacts and that of the Company, to help break down the barriers that the candidates themselves sometimes set up, but above all to generate internal debate.

Personally, and with great satisfaction, I have taken away from this stage my participation as a mentor within cross programmes with other companies or within exolum for female executives since 2014.

In parallel to my work within Exolum, I participated as a member of the board of directors of the Spanish Association of CAM managers and since 2016 I have been a trustee of the INTHEOS Foundation.