الاسم بالكامل
عنوان وظيفي
Professor and Chair of Women at Work
University of Stellenbosch Business School
المتحدث الحيوي
Anita is a Professor at the University of Stellenbosch Business School, South Africa, where holds the USB Research Chair dedicated to the study of women at work. She is the editor of the annual WomensReport.africa and has authored a number of academic articles and reports such as Women on South African boards: Facts, fiction and forward thinking; the Gender pay gap guide for the already converted. She has also taught and interacted with groups from across sub-Saharan Africa, Mauritius, Austria, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Anita is the facilitator of the South African UN Global Compact Target Gender Equality programme and has twice been invited to present her research work to the South African parliament. She is a non-executive director at the National Business Initiative, and a Research Fellow at Vlerick Business School, Belgium.